We can guarantee the market and the quantity, but cannot guarantee that specific pizzerias within that market will distribute your boxes. The reason for this is simple, we cannot control the box needs of a particular pizzeria during a particular period.
However, if there are specific pizzerias which, for some reason, you really, really want to carry your ads, let us know. We will do our very best to make sure that your boxes appear there.
Pizza box advertising is an extremely cost effective advertising vehicle. The average pizza meal lasts 40-minutes and is shared by 4 people! Each ad garners multiple impressions.
The ad is huge! Almost two square feet. And it is literally thrust into your prospect’s hands. We call this the power of pizza.
Most pizza is eaten at dinnertime. For television and movie advertisers this means your ad dollar is not wasted with 7:00am exposure. For advertisers looking for a telephone response, your target will get the ad when they are near the phone and able to take action.
New York City Sales Office
Mangia Media: One Penn Plaza, 36th Floor, NY, NY 10119
Contacts: Jon Nelson – Vice President, Advertising Sales –
Cell: 631-463-5445
Email: jon@mangiamedia.com
Geri Landsman – National Sales Director
Cell: 631-664-4503 ·
Email: geri@mangiamedia.com
120 Windsor Place, Central Islip, NY 11722.
PH: 631 851-1555.
FX: 631 851-2095 or 631 232-9504
Contacts: Bruno DiGrigoli – Artwork/Creative